Monday, February 11, 2008

So for my third entry I decided to once again go with the classic movie Billy Madison. It is, in my opinion the best movie of all time. However, many disagree, citing that it is immature and pointless, and that only immature hoodlums can appreciate. However, there are some critics that would tend to agree with me. Derrick Armstrong with All Movie Guide agrees in his review of the movie. He says, “Billy Madison is a knee-slapping celebration of a spoiled idiot who learns decency from a gaggle of children who wet their pants at recess.” That’s what I said! Anyway, he agrees that it is a hilarious movie. No it is not a “classic” in the sense of great plot line, or amazing special effects. What you need to do is just step away from what is considered mature and just laugh when it is funny. People who think it is not funny say that the comedy is dumb and over the top. Armstrong agrees, but then again disagrees. He says, “Sure, Sandler is over the top -- in fact, he's so far over it that it's nowhere in sight. But that's the point in this movie.” It is so dumb it is funny and that is what Armstrong is saying here. The dumb things Sandler says and does are just plain funny. For example, at the end of the movie he relates the industrial revolution to the story “The Puppy Who Lost His Way,” or when he tries to guess when the Spanish Armada was written, and is rewarded with the bus driver (Chris Farley) taking his shirt off, which brings me to my next point: Sandler is not the only reason this is a funny movie. The supporting cast completes this movie and keeps it fresh. “Simpatico supporting turns by Norm McDonald, Steve Buscemi, and Chris Farley provide either more giggles for the willing or more ammo for the obstinate,” says Armstrong. First of all, the very attractive Veronica Vaughn (Bridgette Wilson) keeps you looking throughout the movie. Nothing like a little piece of eye candy during a movie. But she is not the only member of the supporting cast with a major role. As Armstrong said Farley makes a great showing, being his weird, demented self. Buscemi and McDonald are two of Billy’s friends who are even dumber than he is, and the list goes on. The bottom line is that people who do not appreciate this comedy need to step outside their box and be willing to laugh at something when it is funny, even though it might not be up to their “high standards.” Billy Madison is the best movie of all time, no questions asked. And I needed this last long sentence that is drawn out way longer than it should be, in order to meet Miss Lippy, I mean Tholen’s, ridiculous requirement of at least five hundred words in this blog, even though I did not quite make it. But now I did.